
Welcome to my Blog - Giselle

Welcome to my Blog!! This is my first time blogging, my first post and I am actually excited!! Even though it is for my MBA project, I am excited to get this blog moving!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€πŸ˜Ž My name is Giselle but most people call me Gissy. I have been 25yrs old for over 3yrs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Ok I will come around to that age thing maybe in another post soooo stay tuned!! I live and work in Trinidad and Tobago in the Education Sector. Maybe you are wondering or maybe not but I am single and not ashamed of admitting it. In a nutshell this is part of the reason why I am so thrilled about this dating and relationship blog because it may give me some sanity from my hectic work and school life. P.S. I do love to write!! Within this Blog you may find useful or relatable information I will like to share and express regarding Dating and Relationships. Yes this is a sensitive topic as a woman but it will not hurt to share thoughts, maybe ideas and experiences about dating. So what are my pos

How do you trust after a bad relationship?!

Hi Everyone. Ok so today's topic got me in my emotions a bit as I can relate on so many levels. Do you believe that you can personally trust and go back into dating and starting over after experiencing a bad relationship?? Source:Netdoctor My answer is YES you can!! It will take some time but you can trust someone even though your past relationship(s) were not the best. Trust and believe that I know that relationships can affect us on a deep level so inevitably when a relationship goes wrong it can be difficult to become vulnerable to someone new. When your partner has lied, cheated or broke your trust I know it will be hard to put your faith in someone new. Source: HyperLeo Learning to trust after a bad relationship will be difficult but if you are interested in a good relationship in your future, you are going to have to open up and give some effort. Do not let what happened in your past affect your future relationship. I can say this now with so much ease

Qualities of an Ideal Partner

Hi there! Giselle here Let's discuss what qualities you look for in a life partner or the qualities of an ideal partner.  Nothing is wrong with having a list of qualities whether it be on paper (not Giselle), in your mind or etched in your heart. Love is so beautiful 😍😍😍 I don't know about you but I do have a checklist of the qualities I look for in a guy before dating and entering a relationship. At my age and from experiences, trust and believe that I am more careful now of the signs that are presented in front of my face. Do you have a checklist of qualities that looks like the picture below? Tell me about your qualities in an ideal partner. The list below is very generic so maybe you have some more specific qualities.  Life Partner Checklist - Source: The qualities of an ideal partner for me will consist but may not be entirely limited to the following: 1. Maturity of the person is essential for me personally. I am open to dati

(VIDEO) Are you really happy being single??

Hi Everyone, It is about time we start discussing:  "Are you really happy being single??" This is not just for the singles but also those who were once single before and remember what the feeling was like. A friend asked me recently if I am ever lonely and get depressed from my single status. I was a bit startled at the question as I wondered if I seemed lonely to the individual. Even though I am single, it does not mean that I am unhappy. Yes I miss the companionship at times but I prefer my single status than to be miserable and unhappy in a bad relationship. Check out my short video below to see more feedback from me on this question. Be sure to comment below and let me know what are your thoughts on the question: "Are you really happy being single??" Bye for now! Giselle

Is it difficult to be faithful in a relationship?

Today I want to address whether it is really difficult to be faithful in a relationship. I am expressing my personal view and I would appreciate your opinion on the topic as well. In my previous relationship, I honestly did not see with my own eyes that my ex was unfaithful. I do believe that the individual was unfaithful. At this point in my life I am no longer bothered by it as I am so over that relationship. I thank God every day that I was able to walk away and move on.  In my opinion I don't see why it is so difficult for  SOME  to stay faithful. I was giving more than I should in my previous relationship. I did more than I should as a girlfriend. This apparently still was not enough for the individual or maybe he had alternative motives for the relationship. I must admit there are times when you are in a relationship and you may meet someone in work, school, a party, an event etc that looks really really good but I still believe there is something called control. I

Online Dating: Good or Bad Thing??

Have you ever met someone online? Did you actually go out with the person? Nothing is wrong with dating online but in these times you just have to be soooo careful. I love my country but there is no way in these times you are going to find me looking for love online. Our parents did not need technology to meet. Don't give me wrong, this does not mean I am against online dating. I am just weary of the cons of meeting someone I never met before or never been introduced to by a mutual friend. In spite of the backlash of online dating, millions of Americans have given online dating a try and some or few of which have resulted in marriage. Popular online dating sites that you may be familiar with are eHarmony and Can this work in the Caribbean though??? Maybe the term online dating is more of an issue as these sites merely just connect people who eventually make the decision to meet in person. Would you consider online dating? Are there are any pros of online da

Do looks really matter??

Hey you guys! This week I will be discussing the following: 1. Do looks really matter? 2. Is it really difficult to be faithful in a relationship? 3. Are you really happy being single?? 4. What qualities do you look for in a man or woman before dating? 5. How do you trust after a bad relationship? I have struggled to meet a genuine, honest, cool, sincere, decent, goal-oriented guy in Trinidad πŸ˜…. Boy oh boy!  I came across some NONSENSE!!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I am not ashamed or afraid to say that, as I am so over it now. I do believe there are still good people out there though, so let me dive into the real question of whether looks really matter if you are dating someone? Ladies let me know if your guy must look as captivating as Idris Elba. I am no groupie but his British accent and smooth dark chocolate skin is very captivating. Idris Elba Ok so back to reality. Sorry guys had to stray for a bit there. In my opinion, looks do matter but to some extent. I have dated men who

What to talk about on a date?!

Dating doesn't have to be all serious. It is not an interview for a job but a possible match with your soulmate if things go well. In today's society there is so much to talk about as we have so much more going on now than ever before (at least that is what I think). Tell me if I am wrong!! In our parents time things were way more serious with way stricter rules for dating. I believe my dad walked from his home to my mother's house just to end up sitting in the gallery to talk. This is what we now call "chilling". I always hear this story from my mother!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜† I mean in these current times with so much craziness going on around us, it is good to have some deep conversations with the person we are dating. This may not happen on the first date but should eventually happen. Conversation Topics for Dating Couples: Source: Lauren Naefe What values are important in your life? What are you most passionate about? Talk about your first impression of ea

What NOT to talk about on a first date.

Have you ever gone out with someone that just said a bit too much too soon or was way out of line or rude?? This brings up the importance of discussing what not to talk about on a first date. Unfortunately not all of us are blessed in the communication department. I actually made a few mistakes on one or two dates long long longgggg time ago πŸ˜†. I mean they really say as you get older you get wiser!! Oh well I am over that now but let us just say that I went in too deep too fast with questions that I maybe should not have ventured into on the first date. 10 things to never talk about during a first date: Don't talk about your EX on the first date!! This can be a turn off for men and women. It can look like you are not over the relationship with your EX as well. Don't talk about family issues. Leave the sex talk for later dates. This is a turn off for me if you start to talk too much about sex on the first date and ask personal sexual questions.  Financial pressure

Bad Dating Experiences

We are still on the Dating Stories theme. Now don't give me wrong dating can be fun but probably fun until you meet that one person who may ruin the idea of dating. Trying to find the significant other that we all would love to have can be tough at times....maybe that is why they say you should not go looking but anyhow I am sure some of you have some bad or terrible dating experiences you won't mind sharing without selling out the name of the person. I had one or two terrible dating experiences besides that one guy from the BEACH!! Remember "Mr. walk with no money to the Beach" ..... πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ Besides that date not being too good for me I also encountered a date who had a really really really bad breath. I mean how do you tell a person you are now trying to know that their breath is "stank". At the end of the night he kept asking me if something was wrong as I seemed distant and well... I barely was talking to get back a response. I mean come

Love Stories ....Ain't Love Beautiful??

Hiiii I would like to start the conversation for this week on dating stories. Mostly my dating stories but please feel free to share your dating stories. Go check out my "About Me - Giselle" post or go to the navigation button to the top left of my blog page (three lines to the top), click and you will find the "About this Blog"  post if you are new to my blog before reading further. Let's begin the conversation! Love is such a beautiful thing that we all hopefully will be blessed to experience some point in our lifetime. Being in love feels so good. It feels good to give love and be loved by someone. Some of us who experience this type of real, genuine and true love actually are blessed to say that they are still in love with that person or the relationship is still going strong. I am single so you know how that story ended but not to say that I have not been in love. Photo by  Nathan Nichols   My first love, I knew from since my teenage years