Online Dating: Good or Bad Thing??

Have you ever met someone online? Did you actually go out with the person?

Nothing is wrong with dating online but in these times you just have to be soooo careful. I love my country but there is no way in these times you are going to find me looking for love online. Our parents did not need technology to meet. Don't give me wrong, this does not mean I am against online dating. I am just weary of the cons of meeting someone I never met before or never been introduced to by a mutual friend.

In spite of the backlash of online dating, millions of Americans have given online dating a try and some or few of which have resulted in marriage. Popular online dating sites that you may be familiar with are eHarmony and Can this work in the Caribbean though??? Maybe the term online dating is more of an issue as these sites merely just connect people who eventually make the decision to meet in person. Would you consider online dating?

Are there are any pros of online dating? (When I look at it I see a few pros):

  1. The world wide web provides a wider selection of men and women.
  2. You can narrow down your search to suit your particular needs.
  3. You can "possibly" get to know the person before meeting.

The Cons of online dating:

  1. It can turn into an addiction. You can end up sitting in front of your computer throughout the day.
  2. Possibility of ending with someone who can mislead or exploit you. Risk of meeting a dishonest person.
  3. People lie on their online dating profiles
  4. Although there may be genuine individuals looking for a life partner, there are some guys that will be looking for sex. (Sorry guys but I am not making this up).

What do you think about online dating? Leave your comments below and feel free to share with your family and friends for their opinion.



  1. Online dating is sure a high risk here in Trinidad and Tobago where crime is concern (many malicious and sick people out here)......I can’t say for other Caribbean countries but I know for sure if I was looking for love I wasn’t even gonna think twice about trying online dating, and believe or not they why technology is in the world many people meet persons through Facebook and do actually build a relationship from dating may just be some people luck I guess, I would rather meet the individual through a mutual friend.

    1. I agree that it may be some persons luck or blessings. It is very risky in Trinidad for sure at this time. Maybe things will be better in the future. Petal you know meeting someone through a mutual friend is also risky. I am talking from experience with that as the person ended up being a total FRAUD.

  2. This topic along with being in a long distance relationship is close to my heart. I am in a Trinidadian in an long distance relationship with a guy I met online and it is working for me.

    I have friends in Trinidad and Tobago and in the other Caribbean countries who have met people online, some of which have grown into marriages. Yes, I agree that online dating and long distance relationships are risky but a traditional relationship is just as risky. I believe all relationships require some degree of caution.

    In terms of an online relationship, some ground rules should be established before and during the relationship. One should avoid overly “sticky” and possessive persons, avoid giving out personal information, and if you decide to meet set ground rules and stick to it.

    1. Hi Jenna. I am glad your long distance relationship is working for you as that is so rare to hear about. I tried it many years back and I am convinced that the individual was lying to me so I am not sure I will consider it again. It is also different when you meet the person and then with time one may end up leaving the country and therefore making the relationship long distance. This will be a different story for me.

  3. I think some people have seen the positive side to online dating whereas most are negative. I think because of social media and having options readily available in online dating, it gives people too much choice readily available at our finger tips and it leads to people having a hard time settling down or concentrating on "one" person This leads to unstable relationships, confusion and anxiety.... people may feel overwhelmed with choices so much so they may feel like they are missing out if they settle for this "one" person and may feel like there are better options out there. Throwing stable relstionships and loyalty out the door. I think online dating has more of a negative impact than a positive impact. But that's just my opinion.

    1. Btw the comment above is mine (Kezzy) not sure why my comments are oy comimg up as unknown.

    2. Hi Kezzy. Online dating is more popular internationally. It does have a big negative backlash but I don't want to say that I will never try it.

  4. Ok so even if I wasn't in a relationship, I am personally afraid of online dating mainly because of the MTV tv show CATFISH!!!

    I recently saw an episode where a girl (girl X) was "in a relationship" with someone online (whom she thought was a guy) for 6 years (yes you read right 6 YEARS!!!). After numerous attempts to meet up with 'him' she finally reached out to the show for help. It so happened that another girl who was "bored and hurt from her own catfish experience" decided to make a fake male profile and involved her male cousin to be the voice on the other end of phone conversations. So you can only imagine how hurt girl X was!? Smh.

    I am by no means saying that all online dating experiences (whether from legitimate dating websites or social media) turn out to be fake, but how would you really know if someone is who they say they are?

    If you do choose to date online, I would suggest finding out as much as possible about the person and their background, family, etc. before getting too serious with them.

    Have a blessed day!!! :)

    1. Hi Kris. I saw that same episode from catfish. I did not understand how she stayed in an online relationship for 6yrs without meeting the person. You have to know when to cut off something also and walk away.

  5. I don't trust online dating due to the high crime rate in Trinidad....they may use it as a tool to lure their victims. Also most people aren't truthful about themselves. Significant background research on an individual is required before even venturing on a date.


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