(VIDEO) Are you really happy being single??

Hi Everyone,

It is about time we start discussing: "Are you really happy being single??" This is not just for the singles but also those who were once single before and remember what the feeling was like.

A friend asked me recently if I am ever lonely and get depressed from my single status. I was a bit startled at the question as I wondered if I seemed lonely to the individual. Even though I am single, it does not mean that I am unhappy. Yes I miss the companionship at times but I prefer my single status than to be miserable and unhappy in a bad relationship. Check out my short video below to see more feedback from me on this question.

Be sure to comment below and let me know what are your thoughts on the question:

"Are you really happy being single??"

Bye for now!



  1. I would say yes you can be really happy single, my view is relationships are about a lot of compromising for you partner, but sometimes if you are truly head over heals in love then it does not feel compromising. But then how long does that cloud 9 feeling last 1 yr 5ys? What happens after that? My thing is everyone is absolutely different and have had different experiences throughout their life’s journey, that being said no 2 people ate the same, and that’s 1 thing I guess we all need to understand, when also setting a bar for expectations from the other party. So yeah sometimes being single is a blast doing what u want when you want with who you want.

    1. Hello bronald78. Thank you for your feedback. I hear what you are saying. Not sure if I would say it is a blast being single lol but I feel men and women will have different reactions as well to being single. Women are more emotional so we will miss the companionship now and then and show it but it may not mean unhappiness for some. For me, personally I would just say I am good in my position until I meet that one person.

    2. Yes I understand but as you said your last relationship left a bitter taste in you mouth, I guess you can use this time to find the true and happy you and forget the past, as focusing on the negative and what can happen in a future relationship would only block you from finding that true someone, so what I can say is switch you thoughts around and focus on that perfect relationship and what you are looking for go about each day living it with joy and believe me that special someone would fall right in your lap. Instead of remembering the past and guarding your self, as you would attract someone with similar traits, hence the saying all or most men are the same. Just my approach to it! 😊

    3. Hi bronald78. I am not sure if I can forget my past but I have moved on. My past was a big learning experience for me so at this time I am definitely trying not to make the same mistakes again. I shared my experience so that maybe it can touch someone in the right way to know that you CAN move on after a bad relationship. At this time I am just doing me and focusing on my goals. After all is said and done I have opened up my mind, heart and soul to meeting someone and starting all over again but I am not actively chasing it. I do believe in God's timing 😊

  2. being single has its pros and cons and you are right about sanity. I miss being single where i felt i had control over my life. Relationship and committment drains so much from you that you sometimes forget how to find happiness espically when you feel your relationship has more people with say than you. Being single isnt taboo as people make it seem to be.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your feedback. There are indeed pros and cons of being single. If you miss being single and you feel you had more control over your life, I believe that you should re-evaluate your relationship. Only three persons should have a say in your relationship: you, your partner, and God. I am not a counselor but sometimes we give better advice than we actually practice. Don't give up, but do something about the issues you are experiencing before you regret it in the end.

  3. I've technichally been single since I got divorced, and thats been six years now. At first I was actively trying to find love. I wanted a replacement mom for my son and I missed having a companion. Eventually after many failed experiments I realised that I didn't really need a replacement mom for my son because he already had one ( my ex wife). He also had my mother and sister as positive female role models on my side. So for the most part I realised he was fine, he just wanted more of me ( his "favourite parent" ...haha!) So i stopped focusing on trying to find true love and re focused my energies on strengthening the true love I already had. I have never loved anything as much as I love my son and his growth and hapiness are enough for me. I guess its like that early 90's movie "Switch". As for finding a good woman for myself; if God wills it then great, but if not and I happen to die single, then I'll still be happy.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. I am glad you eventually realized that you don't need a replacement mom for your son. I am sure you will meet a good woman one day but as they always say it is not always best to go searching for love. Love will happen in the right timing. I don't want to die single tho (yikes). I hope and pray to God that I have a family one day.

  4. In my opinion, the level of happiness gained from being single can vary from person to person. I've known individuals who've complained daily during that period between relationships. Lamenting constantly over their new found single status until their next infatuation comes along. While others I've known have been single for months and years, and absolutely love the freedom and peace of mind it brings.

    For me, it's a mixed bag. While I enjoy the freedoms being single brings, recent ventures into the dating scene has reminded me of the major limitations living a solitary life brings. Not having that one person to confide in like no other, not having anyone to hold close on those cold rainy nights, as well as the drastic decline in *cough* copulation. I mean let's be honest, that alone is a pretty sizable disadvantage.

    1. Hi Kester. Thank you for your feedback. I am glad you are venturing into dating. I am not sure if I agree that being alone is a big disadvantage but as you said it varies from person to person so I get what you are saying. I really prefer my sanity and peace of mind with my single status than being in a relationship with lies, deceit etc etc. I hope that you stay tuned for more upcoming posts as you have ventured into dating.

  5. Hey Gizzy. Great Video! Great topic too!... I would say this. I think we have to be happy single and enjoy our own company before we can venture into relationships I know that human connection and company is very important but I believe we have to be satisfied with our own company before we can entertain someone seriously. The saying goes "date yourself first" you would learn how to be satisfied as you said in the video so when you do get someone it is a plus where you get to do life with that individual. I am not saying a person has to be perfect before a relationship but being happy and whole in singleness usually leads to a better relationship. I am still learning this.

    1. Hi Kezzy. Thank you for your feedback. I agree that being happy while you are single leads to a better relationship. It is about time people stop putting this stigma of loneliness and depression to being single. Nothing is wrong with being single!! It is good to take the time to better yourself and learn to love yourself before you try loving someone else. Companionship is all well and good but being single teaches and prepares you so much for a relationship.

  6. I am comfortable being single because definitely I was wasting my time in my previous relationship. At this stage in my life, I am using the time to motivate 'self'. Take care of me, spiritually, advance in skills, enjoy certain hobbies etc. I go on dates now and then, but admittedly a serious dedicated partner is missed. But then again, I'm hopeful that my Mr is out there. In the meantime I choose to be happy and whole.


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