Frequently Asked Questions


  • How do I know if I am ready to date?
If you are looking for someone to complete you, solve your problems of loneliness then you are probably not ready to date. Remember dating is about learning to give and not just receiving.

  • How can you tell if a person likes you?
I would say reach out and try to initiate contact at least once or twice. It’s worth trying and if it does not come together you will know that you tried.

  • How do I ask someone out?
Attempt a friendship with the person first. Relax, be patient and be positive. Get to know your potential date before you ask them out.

  • How many dates before we are exclusive?
Ask yourself what you are comfortable with. There is your answer right there.

  • Why is he not calling me back?
Sorry but men are not good at communication. You can try to talk to him about it and let him know that you enjoy conversations with him. If he is thoughtful and into you he will make an effort. Move along if he is just not that into you.

  • How long should you wait to be intimate?
Wait as long as you can. Both parties should get tested together and use protection at all times.

  • What does a healthy relationship look like?
We all strive for a healthy relationship but this will vary in all relationships. Notably, communication is key to any relationship.

  • How to get over someone or a relationship?
This is easier said than done. Consider how much energy and time you are investing on this person. Redirect your energy to change the course of your life for better. Pick up a hobby, learn a skill, seek God or get closer to Him.

  • What is the best thing about being in a relationship?
The saying goes “two are better than one…. for if one falls the other will lift him up”

  • How do I find my soulmate?
Define soulmate to me because I am not sure it exists. If you long for a life partner, then I can understand where you are coming from. Create a list of qualities of what you expect from the person and open yourself to start dating.


  1. I love these FAQ's. They are very useful and helpful. And one thing to add to the answer for "what is the best thkng about bwimg in a relationship". I love your answer "two are better than one" but i believe it is great when you get to do life with this person in every aspect and being a team is what it takes. Good stuff here Gizzy

  2. Thank you for the feedback Kezzy.

  3. Hi Giselle,
    Molly here with shinesty.com! I enjoyed reading your FAQs, and would love to get in touch with you about our newest Valentine's Day. Shoot me an email at molly.steiner@shinesty.com & Shine On!


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