Do looks really matter??

Hey you guys!

This week I will be discussing the following:

1. Do looks really matter?
2. Is it really difficult to be faithful in a relationship?
3. Are you really happy being single??
4. What qualities do you look for in a man or woman before dating?
5. How do you trust after a bad relationship?

I have struggled to meet a genuine, honest, cool, sincere, decent, goal-oriented guy in Trinidad πŸ˜…. Boy oh boy!  I came across some NONSENSE!!!πŸ˜…πŸ˜… I am not ashamed or afraid to say that, as I am so over it now. I do believe there are still good people out there though, so let me dive into the real question of whether looks really matter if you are dating someone? Ladies let me know if your guy must look as captivating as Idris Elba. I am no groupie but his British accent and smooth dark chocolate skin is very captivating.

Idris Elba

Ok so back to reality. Sorry guys had to stray for a bit there.

In my opinion, looks do matter but to some extent. I have dated men who were slim, thick (chubby), dark (real dark lol), Indian, etc. No no, don't think for a second that I have been with several men. When I say dated, I mean been on a date or been in a relationship. Had to make that clear for those who may start to think negative thoughts😏😏. For me, you must keep yourself clean and looking good. A guy with some size can dress and look better than a fit or slim guy. 

The ONE thing people don't like talking about or talking the truth about is LOOKS. In this modern society we are living in, people are assigning so much value to looks instead of who people are. Take a little time to watch the picture below.

Let me answer the question from my perspective:

Do looks really matter? Yesss! If you say otherwise you really have to explain to me why you don't agree.

When I say yes, I am not referring to SIZE whether you are slim or thick but I am referring to how you keep yourself. You must also be attractive. A thick person can be healthy and working out and making the effort. 

I am no way slim but I do try to maintain my image and I do workout. I mean this MBA is killing my workout regime but trust and believe that this "thicky" has confidence 😁

Leave your comments and answer to the question:

Do looks really matter?

Men don't fail me please. Your view and opinions are valuable in this area so please share them.

Chat soon!



  1. From hearing so many stories I realise it's getting more and more scarce to find honest, good people on the whole.
    Now for your question.... I believe love exists outside of looks, but I think it still matters. I think it is important to be attracted to the other person, their face/body, the way they dress and carry themselves. It is important for your eyes to be pleased. When God made Eve, Adam looked at her and found she was perfect, even before getting to hear her voice or know her personality. God knows what's best for us, He made a woman that Adam would have been attracted to.
    #LooksMatter! lol

    1. I like how you compared it to Adam and Eve! I am hearing these days and saw an article on it even recently that women are choosing ugly men. If I find the article I will post it. It was a study saying that women are happier with ugly men but the picture of the guy in the article was that of a guy who did not seem ugly to me. This goes to show that beauty is the eye of the beholder. To each their own.

  2. I would rather change the form of the question to "What particular looks really do matter to you". For years I have been encouraged by both male and female that looks do matter. To me the latter didn't matter because we are all fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I think preferences come in to play in the matter of looks but despite that once you find a person that gets you or understands you and all these flaws of looks are still present, I think we would all either work on the flaws or be comfortable with the flaws. I would also add that looks do matter to some but others will look at the outward appearance such as what accomplishments one has made in life, how much money they have, ambitious lifestyles and this is prominent even in our society.
    In the interim I would say for me looks do not matter but preferences weighs on me as well. Once that person (female) is for me and I for that person (female) I assure you that looks or preferences wouldn't hold much meaning to me. So ladies I'm here waiting for that right person (female) lol.

    1. Hi Abbzz...thank you for your feedback. I understand where you are coming from and I do agree and can say that I also look at the accomplishments of the individual as well. It is so important for the person to have goals, some kind of ambition and drive to achieve them. I like how you specifically made sure to clear up the air that you are waiting on a female as your name had me a little confused lol.

  3. Hi Giselle looks do matter, but beauty is definitely in the eyes of the beholder. Meaning, I understand your reference that a plus sized individual may still be attractive depending on how they carry out themselves and dress etc............ While I understand your point I personally know male friends who doesn't want a woman less than 200lbs whether they are all dressed up or not, that's their preference. The thicker the better for them. Society has tried to transform our think of what is the ideal size or hairstyle or colour to be deemed attractive. However in reality it really comes down to personal preference. I agree how one carries oneself is a personal turning on for me, but not everyone will share that view.

    1. Thank you for your feedback. Looks definitely is in the eyes of the beholder. To each their own. I also don't think it is right to be upset with people who would prefer a slim to a thick or a thick instead of a slim person. Of course looks matter in my opinion because I just can't see myself being with someone I am not attracted to physically, emotionally and spiritually.


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