Love Stories ....Ain't Love Beautiful??


I would like to start the conversation for this week on dating stories. Mostly my dating stories but please feel free to share your dating stories. Go check out my "About Me - Giselle" post or go to the navigation button to the top left of my blog page (three lines to the top), click and you will find the "About this Blog"  post if you are new to my blog before reading further.

Let's begin the conversation!

Love is such a beautiful thing that we all hopefully will be blessed to experience some point in our lifetime. Being in love feels so good. It feels good to give love and be loved by someone. Some of us who experience this type of real, genuine and true love actually are blessed to say that they are still in love with that person or the relationship is still going strong. I am single so you know how that story ended but not to say that I have not been in love.

Photo by Nathan Nichols 

My first love, I knew from since my teenage years in school. I will refer to him as "David" which is definitely not his real name. I was actually talking with David's friend who I guessed like me a bit. Mistake he made was to introduce me to David 😄😄

Oh boy...he was pissed with me for some time because I started to like David.  David and I would often talk for hours and hours until the phone battery will die. At that age I used to go anywhere in the house away from my mother and sister so they won't hear my conversation. I was a good girl tho 😇😇

Anyway, my friendship with David grew day by day and by the time I was 19 years old we were in a relationship. I shared my first kiss with this guy!! His sense of humor use to make my days better. This guy use to do me all kinda playful wickedness eh...smh lol. After dropping me off to work or wherever he use to drive off and shout my name loud loud.
Photo by Tyler Nix 

Distance and family issues hampered our relationship but I can always look back and say David was my first true love as I enjoyed my relationship with him even though it did not work out. We had more fun and enjoyable moments in our relationship. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Soooo enough about me. I am still waiting on my soulmate to spend the rest of my life with and that will be the love story to tell. 

Feel free to share your love story in the comments below. Make it short and sweet!!

Chat soon.



  1. Met my first real love "David" back in my high school teenage years as well . We've been through a lot, but we always grew stronger from it. Ofc there are ups and Downs and nobody is perfect, but this I think we are one of the strangest, opposite, crazy, fun, uniquely perfect couples that there are. We are now young adults and have made it to a 7 and a half year mark and going strong, there's no one I'd rather spend my life with, love is amazing.

    1. Awww. Girl you guys made it. Hope you guys continue to grow stronger. Many blessings.

  2. My love story began because of my hunger. Anybody was ever so hungry you asked someone you never met before for a biscuit? I did! It was Visitor's day at the church I attended (that's a day you invite family and friends who usually don't attend, and there is a special program). I was so hungry I asked for 1 burbon biscuit and my "David" gave me the whole pack! Really...the whole thing??? And I am sure he was also hungry. LOL! That was October 2009...and we just celebrated 1 yr of marriage! Love is Lovely!

    1. David!! lol. Hi Tan. From a biscuit to marriage!! Thanks for sharing your love story. Many blessings on your union.


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