Is it difficult to be faithful in a relationship?

Today I want to address whether it is really difficult to be faithful in a relationship. I am expressing my personal view and I would appreciate your opinion on the topic as well.

In my previous relationship, I honestly did not see with my own eyes that my ex was unfaithful. I do believe that the individual was unfaithful. At this point in my life I am no longer bothered by it as I am so over that relationship. I thank God every day that I was able to walk away and move on. 

In my opinion I don't see why it is so difficult for SOME to stay faithful. I was giving more than I should in my previous relationship. I did more than I should as a girlfriend. This apparently still was not enough for the individual or maybe he had alternative motives for the relationship. I must admit there are times when you are in a relationship and you may meet someone in work, school, a party, an event etc that looks really really good but I still believe there is something called control. I see being faithful as a personal decision that one will make and stick to it.

There are so many times when I went out without my ex and met a really attractive guy but there was never a thought in my head about cheating. Sometimes when people love they truly do love. I find it very easy to stay faithful as I am a very committed person. Cheating is just not an option for me. If I am unhappy in a relationship I will prefer to address the issue(s) than to cheat. If the issues cannot be fixed I will walk away but I am not wasting my time to cheat and stay in an unhappy relationship.

At the end of the day we are all human beings and nobody is perfect. We all have flaws and no matter how committed we are in a relationship, there will be temptations. What you do about the temptations is what separates some of us.

I came across the video below by Derrick Jaxn on this topic. His video is just a response to a guy who said it is difficult to be faithful. Take in the video and comment let me know if you believe that it is difficult to be faithful in a relationship.


  1. Hey Gizzy. This is a good read. Well for me, I think I am faithful and it is easy for me to stay with that "one" person but I may have other faults when it comes to a relationship be it a bad attitude etc. I agree with what you said. Not everyone is perfect so where some might cheat, some may have the problem of being a drunk, some may have problems of self esteem, some may have a problem with lying etc. We all have issues that we are dealing with but I personally don't find it hard to be faithful. I think most men find it hard to be faithful because men are physical beings and most times we find that they fall//cheat physically whereas women are emotional beings so we look for emotional support and connection. So when a women does cheat it is more of an emotional one. I however think that open, honest and transparent communication is key to reduce any feelings of uncertainty in a relationship. I think if persons would have good communication it'll reduce a lot of unfaithfulness and other issues etc but I personally do not find it hard to be faithful, when I am into one person I am all for that person.

    1. I am glad you bought up the point about good communication. That is so critical in every relationship. Trust is also key. I believe in a relationship without trust, gd communication?respect and so on these things can lead to cheating as someone will eventually not be happy and contented. I always think it is best to deal with issues than to try and make it worse by cheating.

    2. I to agree with the last point you made of having good communication. I must state ladies please make aware of who the men you attract around your inner circle. It might have that one guy that will see you for the queen you are and you choose the other guy that will mistreat you and then wonder why you end up in a bad relationships. Doing this could help with you having a better relationship along with the qualities of good communication and a assurance your relationship will be fruitful.

    3. Hi Abbzzz I understand what you are saying but it is the power of choice. I noticed that your example was in support of the male point of view but the same applies to men. Men will meet a good girl and go after someone else who may not be as committed, loyal, and genuine and end up in a bad relationship but I do get what you are saying.

  2. chinelle. really good read...i appreciate your insight. yes there are temptations and sometimes the control comes from within and takes strength as an individual. i agree with kez as women needs that emotional support and at times if its not found in your relationship, they search elsewhere but if the relationship is truly important communication and reconnecting is a must. this is such a touchy topic.

  3. Chin! It is a sensitive topic but reality is that some individuals are unable to stay faithful in a relationship even if things are good in their relationship. I strongly believe it is a choice and a decision. I personally experienced lack of emotional support in a relationship and I put up with so much crap before I was actually able to walk away but I never once cheated even though things were going downhill.

  4. JM.......Hi Gissy I believe persons being faithful is not as black or white as we sometimes perceive. While I agree that being faithful is right and there should be no legitimate reason why one would cheat. Life as we know it often give us the illusion that it's ok. This may not apply for everyone but when one feels neglected n has a void, they reason with themselves to find a legitimate reason. I make reference to a diet plan. At the start of the diet one May be very committed but then there is a void for the foods that didn't compliment the plan. U start having thoughts .....'it's just one scoop of ice cream"'..... "It's just one date we won't do anything." Until life gives us a reason to indulge a little more especially when influenced by a friend. Whose words may be "girl let go tonight, do u feel he studying you.... I heard he was liming with "keisha." "Just kiss him your bf won't know. ". This brings about a temporary insanity in persons at the time and everything they stood for is compromised for the feeling of love and affection that may be lacking in their relationship. My advice is when you feel vulnerable do not even keep the "ice cream" around. Not everyone is as strong as they believe they are.

  5. Hi JM. Thank you for your feedback. I agree that the "ice cream" should not be kept around. A matter of fact that diet plan should not include ice cream. I am just being sarcastic but this is a real issue. If you are unhappy in a relationship...cheating is not the answer. Just my humble opinion.


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