Looking for Relaxation or an Adventure??

I love an adventure!!

I don't think you have to be extremely fit to go on an adventure but it is a great way to include some physical activity and have some fun!! I won't mind going on a hike with a date or with a friend.....(*wink wink*).

Trinidad and Tobago has sooo much adventurous and fun places to go. I have been to a few with friends and family and I will like to share my recommendations.

1. La Vega Estate -  Located in Gran Couva this place is sooo nice for a date and for couples to get away and relax a bit. You get to experience so much in one place (pools, horse back riding, garden full of gorgeous plants and flowers, fishing, etc). La Vega is perfect for a date as it is serene, peaceful, relaxing and affordable. You and your date can row out on the pond!! You can thank me later.

La Vega Estate

La Vega Estate
La Vega Estate

2. Turtle watching (Matura) - Matura is one of the best turtle watching beaches in Trinidad and Tobago. There are nesting leatherback turtles throughout the months of March to August. Just be sure to sign up with Nature Seekers for this particular location. Tel: 668-7337 Email: natureseekers@gmail.com. 

3. Zip Lining - I personally have never done this and I am not certain if any guy can convince me to do this due to my fear of heights butttttt don't mind me, this is a nice adventure for a date and for couples. I have been to Macqueripe Beach several times and see how much fun those brave souls have when they do zip lining over this Beach. Not Giselle tho .... I am totally good.😅

4. Hiking - Trinidad and Tobago has so many hiking destinations like Rio Seco Waterfalls (I have been to this one), Turure Water Steps (heard this one is nice), Maracas Falls, Paria Bay etc. I will recommend the one I have experienced as I did it. It is also recommended to do a easy hike for the purpose of a date. Don't go too crazy because you are getting to know the person after all. Don't go hiking without a tour guide and a large group. Safety is important!! 

Rio Seco Waterfall - Island Hikers
Some other places I will recommend for a date would include Mount. St Benedict, Scuba and Snorkeling and Piparo's Mud Volcano where you can soak in the mud and there is also a beach not too far away.

Oh and I cannot leave out ATV riding. This is mad fun and I actually went on an ATV riding double date (did I say that properly 😆😆). I must say it was one of the best dates I ever experienced.

ATV Riding - Somewhere in the Bushhh in T&T 

Let me know of your recommendations for couples looking for adventure. 

Don't forget to share the post with your friends.



  1. This should be renamed “ looking for relaxation or adventure “ as the nature resort is somewhere to relax and chill. The rest Is adventure yes! There are also trips down the islands there is also now an intermate yacht dinner for 2 available. Adventuring to fort George, for a picnic, or San Fernando hill or even Chaguaramas. How about slicing it up and a day trip to tobago?

    1. I am loving the day trip to Tobago but after a couple of dates don't you think?

  2. ziplining is an amazing experience. did it and screamed my life out. totally recommend as an ice breaker sort of first date.

    1. Chin! I wish I was not afraid of heights to do this as a first date. I so agree that it is an ice breaker!! Good way to start a conversation after screaming your life away ...lol.

  3. Turtle watching is very cool, I thought it would of been boring but was so wrong.
    Also island hopping as an adventure is excellent

    1. Island hopping will be great for couples in a relationship.

  4. I’m gonna comment based on a relationship (long term relationship), as a form of relaxation , a weekend well spent at a nice hotel/resort (Salybia Resort) my favorite��.........

    1. Petal thanks for sharing your recommendation. I agree that Salybia Resort is great for couples and for those who have been dating a while. Great recommendation!! I am yet to go but I will someday.

  5. Love these ideas...usually when you hear date you think restaurant, or movies....lots of people don't consider the alternatives

    1. Hi Tanika. Glad you like my recommendations. Hope you will try one.....

  6. The Rio Seco Waterfall looks interesting, thanks for info, I will let you know about my experience.

    1. Hi Marlon. Thank you for your feedback. The Rio Seco is a nice manageable hike. Try it out with your wife. I think I will like to go again someday.


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