
Showing posts from July 15, 2018

What NOT to talk about on a first date.

Have you ever gone out with someone that just said a bit too much too soon or was way out of line or rude?? This brings up the importance of discussing what not to talk about on a first date. Unfortunately not all of us are blessed in the communication department. I actually made a few mistakes on one or two dates long long longgggg time ago 😆. I mean they really say as you get older you get wiser!! Oh well I am over that now but let us just say that I went in too deep too fast with questions that I maybe should not have ventured into on the first date. 10 things to never talk about during a first date: Don't talk about your EX on the first date!! This can be a turn off for men and women. It can look like you are not over the relationship with your EX as well. Don't talk about family issues. Leave the sex talk for later dates. This is a turn off for me if you start to talk too much about sex on the first date and ask personal sexual questions.  Financial pressure