
Showing posts from July 31, 2018

(VIDEO) Are you really happy being single??

Hi Everyone, It is about time we start discussing:  "Are you really happy being single??" This is not just for the singles but also those who were once single before and remember what the feeling was like. A friend asked me recently if I am ever lonely and get depressed from my single status. I was a bit startled at the question as I wondered if I seemed lonely to the individual. Even though I am single, it does not mean that I am unhappy. Yes I miss the companionship at times but I prefer my single status than to be miserable and unhappy in a bad relationship. Check out my short video below to see more feedback from me on this question. Be sure to comment below and let me know what are your thoughts on the question: "Are you really happy being single??" Bye for now! Giselle