How do you trust after a bad relationship?!

Hi Everyone.

Ok so today's topic got me in my emotions a bit as I can relate on so many levels. Do you believe that you can personally trust and go back into dating and starting over after experiencing a bad relationship??

My answer is YES you can!! It will take some time but you can trust someone even though your past relationship(s) were not the best. Trust and believe that I know that relationships can affect us on a deep level so inevitably when a relationship goes wrong it can be difficult to become vulnerable to someone new. When your partner has lied, cheated or broke your trust I know it will be hard to put your faith in someone new.

Source: HyperLeo

Learning to trust after a bad relationship will be difficult but if you are interested in a good relationship in your future, you are going to have to open up and give some effort. Do not let what happened in your past affect your future relationship. I can say this now with so much ease but a while back it was not as easy said nor done. It will take time and you will get there if you are currently in this situation.

Here is what you can do to build trust after a bad relationship:

1. It is wise to take enough time for yourself before dating again.
2. Connect with God and build a better relationship.
3. Go out with friends and family. These are your support system even when you are in a relationship and single.
4. Create a list of qualities of your ideal partner (check out my post on "Qualities of an Ideal Partner).
5. If you have decided to date or enter a relationship, communication is going to be important for maintaining a healthy relationship.
6. Change your outlook. All men and women are just not the same! Don't allow a few bad apples to spoil the whole bunch.
7. Constantly remind yourself that your partner is NOT you ex.
8. Pay attention to any red flags and trust your gut feeling. Sometimes we ignore signs about a person because we already like the person a lot or have feelings. Don't go back down that road. Plenty of fish in the sea.

Share your views with me on how you may have learned to trust after a bad relationship. Start the discussion.


Bye for now.



  1. You trust by believing that you deserve all the love that you give. And by accepting that your journey hasn't ended! Those who love you would show it. That bad relationship was a learning tool.

    1. Hello. Thank you for your feedback. I so agree that you trust by believing that you deserve all the love that you give. So very true. Couldn't have said it better.

  2. Ouu this is an emotional topic. It is hard to trust after but I think they key is and you mentioned it, is to take some time off learn, grow and connect with yourself again and God. The time away after a bad relationship is crucial because it helps you with the process of getting better and not bitter. Think is ideal not to jump into another relationship right after a bad one but this is a good read.

    1. Hello. Thank you for your feedback. I agree that you should not jump into a another relationship right after. Take some time and if you do meet someone, get to know the person and create a friendship before going into a relationship.

  3. Trust really plays a big part in relationships and when that trust is broken it is difficult to trust that individual again. But you shouldn't let it affect you in new relationships. As you said above put God first and he will send the right person your way in his timing. As a man in a long term relationship, communication has been the key for a healthy and growing relationship. I believe from constant communication you will be able to pick up signs to know if you can fully trust this person.

    1. Hello. Thank you for your feedback. You mentioned 2 critical areas: trust and communication.

  4. Hey gizzy. This is a good read. I think after a bad relationship it is hard to trust but whst i think is key is really taking timd for oneself learning to grow and connect again. I think time away allow to grow from pain and learn. It think it is key to not jump back into a relationship one time because it'll most likely cause durther hurt to you and the new person. I think time is important and learning to rely on God for help because we are human and we will hurt and cry etc but trusting God is key and taking intentional steps to healing is important.

    1. Hi Kezzy. Thanks for the feedback. After a bad relationship you definitely need time to heal. It is easier said than done because a bad relationship can leave you feeling a type of way.

  5. I must commend u on this piece, however I don't agree with #4, this is the real world an d that list you trying to make, u will only find most of the qualities u desire in a fairy tale. You can't help who you fall for, it's an uncontrolled emotion right there and then, that person may not have any of the qualities on your list, but you know what? They may create that special spark that makes u look beyond everything else an now you both can just set it off.


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