Qualities of an Ideal Partner

Hi there! Giselle here

Let's discuss what qualities you look for in a life partner or the qualities of an ideal partner. 

Nothing is wrong with having a list of qualities whether it be on paper (not Giselle), in your mind or etched in your heart. Love is so beautiful 😍😍😍

I don't know about you but I do have a checklist of the qualities I look for in a guy before dating and entering a relationship. At my age and from experiences, trust and believe that I am more careful now of the signs that are presented in front of my face. Do you have a checklist of qualities that looks like the picture below? Tell me about your qualities in an ideal partner. The list below is very generic so maybe you have some more specific qualities. 

Life Partner Checklist - Source: Human-connect.in

The qualities of an ideal partner for me will consist but may not be entirely limited to the following:

1. Maturity of the person is essential for me personally. I am open to dating someone younger but the person must be mature.
2. Integrity - the person must be honest and trustworthy. If I think someone is lying to me a lot, there is no point staying in a relationship.
3. Family oriented - I am not saying that the person must come from a household with both parents but I want to know that the person has a good relationship with their family.
4. Commitment to personal growth - this is a major factor for me. A healthy amount of ambition.
5. Good character is a must.
6. Someone who has a good friendship with me. This may not be mandatory for you but I have my reasons for wanting a partner who makes a good friend.
7. Sense of humor - this is just my personal preference but it may not be mandatory for the person to be a comedian (if you get what I am saying).
8. Shares some of my interests and is supportive.
9. Faithfulness
10. The ability to communicate

For me personally as well, the person must have relationship with God.

I would like to share a video with you from Dr. Myles Munroe on his view in choosing a life partner. This may be inspirational to some.

Share your checklist in the comments below whether you are single, in relationship or married.

Chat soon again.



  1. sad to say, i have given up on looking for specific traits or qualities in a guy because i have learnt that no one stays the same. Like the saying goes the only thing constant is change. Men be what they think you like while dating but believe me when i say as years so by or even when you get married you tend to think...who the heck is this person! but i still require someone that i can call my best friend before anything else and that high expectation only with me and not my partner leads to some disappointment.

    1. Hi. Thank you for your feedback. Nobody remains the same but we also have the choice what to accept and what not to accept. If someone is to change, it should be for the better or a step up in the right direction.

  2. This topic is immense. But I'll choose the top 4 qualities. Because one must set a standard, without it one woukd accept anything right? Good qualities include, 1. generosity. Are you a kind person, even when no one is looking? 2. Communication skills- do you lash out at others when you're upset? How do handle difficult situations. 3. Are you a fun person? Outgoing? Could having engaging conversations with? 4. Honesty. There are much more qualities I wonder consider, but this topic could go on and on. Because at the end of the day a beautiful face and body is not enough!

    1. Hello. Thank you for sharing some of the qualities you would look for. I do agree that the list can go on and on. Looks alone is definitely not enough. Be sure to check out my post on "Do looks really matter?" and share your views as well.

  3. I don't know what to think or feel about love and these related issues anymore. I've become pretty cynical. The mood I am in right now, I will say that if as a man you don't find an ideal partner, find the features in different women and then combine them to make your life happy.

    1. Hello. I am taken back by your comment.You really are in a different zone right now but only you know what you are going through right now. Finding features in different women ... you sound hurt.


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