
Showing posts from July 14, 2018

Bad Dating Experiences

We are still on the Dating Stories theme. Now don't give me wrong dating can be fun but probably fun until you meet that one person who may ruin the idea of dating. Trying to find the significant other that we all would love to have can be tough at times....maybe that is why they say you should not go looking but anyhow I am sure some of you have some bad or terrible dating experiences you won't mind sharing without selling out the name of the person. I had one or two terrible dating experiences besides that one guy from the BEACH!! Remember "Mr. walk with no money to the Beach" ..... πŸ˜’πŸ˜’ Besides that date not being too good for me I also encountered a date who had a really really really bad breath. I mean how do you tell a person you are now trying to know that their breath is "stank". At the end of the night he kept asking me if something was wrong as I seemed distant and well... I barely was talking to get back a response. I mean come

Love Stories ....Ain't Love Beautiful??

Hiiii I would like to start the conversation for this week on dating stories. Mostly my dating stories but please feel free to share your dating stories. Go check out my "About Me - Giselle" post or go to the navigation button to the top left of my blog page (three lines to the top), click and you will find the "About this Blog"  post if you are new to my blog before reading further. Let's begin the conversation! Love is such a beautiful thing that we all hopefully will be blessed to experience some point in our lifetime. Being in love feels so good. It feels good to give love and be loved by someone. Some of us who experience this type of real, genuine and true love actually are blessed to say that they are still in love with that person or the relationship is still going strong. I am single so you know how that story ended but not to say that I have not been in love. Photo by  Nathan Nichols   My first love, I knew from since my teenage years